Save America
by: Voice Of The People
words and music by Joe Butler and Even Steven Levee © 2004
Chorus repeats - (Save America)
Verse 1:
Fire the liar - Don't rehire while his nose grows longer and his pants are on
fire John Kerry's a hero, He served with pride while cowardly Georgie played
run, duck and hide
(Save America)
verse 2:
Georgie lied to start war - Now ain't that the truth he lied about weapons -
Now he's killing our youth He lied through his teeth - Right down to his bones
Now somewhere some mothers son ain't coming home
(Save America Lyrics)
verse 3:
Bush lied about taxes, clean water and air about freedom and rights and also
health care John Kerry's a good man, he reminds me of Lincoln come this November
- you know what i'm thinkin
(Save America)
verse 4:
Georgie steals for his rich friends while Robbin' the Hood while the national
debt climbs up to no good They control all the news, radio and T.V. They may
fool some - but we ain't to blind to see
(Save America)
verse 5:
All crooked cronies on that fool Georgies team turn their backs on our friends
and made our forefathers scream They rule by fear. They don't serve with hope
and that foul crook Dick Cheney needs his mouth washed with soap
(Save America)
verse 6:
It's really amazin' how much bad you can do with arrogance, ignorance and stupidity
too it will take years to undo their harm vote Kerry and Edwards - send Bush
back to his farm
(Save America)
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