I loved my Tobias Classic 6 String - photo by: Nicole Vicker
The Bass Master General 5 string Fretless
MTD (Michael Tobia Design) 5 String Kingston Bass
Fernandez 4 string with EMG Electronics
PRS 5 String (left) - 73 Fender Jazz Bass (black) BassMaster General 5 string Fretless
Brad Factor:10 out of jail and on stage
Steinberger 5 String
Alembic Distalit - photo by: Phin Daly
Vintage Rickenbaker Bass - 1974 Fender Jazz Bass
1964 Gibson EB3
Martin Custom Shop Acoustic Bass
My Bass Master General 5 string Fretless was a bit to
Therefore, I decided to put her on the "Bass Diet"
The following videos show a few of the steps taken.
Ultimately she was sliced in half and hollowed out in a
few choice areas. I changed the bridge to something
a little lighter. I will likely change out the tuning machines
as well sometime in the future. All in all she is feeling great!
Bass Diet Faze 4 (no audio)
The Bass Diet Faze 5
Even discussing renovations with
basses builder Eric Klaastad
The Before
The After